Senior Full Stack Software Engineer
A Generalizing Specialist seeking to join an agile team developing challenging web applications in Portland Oregon.
Technical Skills and Capabilities
- Javascript, ES6/7, Typescript, Node, NPM, Express, REST, JWT, JSON
- C#, C, dotnet, .Net, TFS, Razor, Visual Studio, ASP, VBscript, Windows Server, IIS
- React, Redux**, JSX, Vue, MVC, AngularJS, Markdown, Webpack, VS Code
- AWS Lambda, Serverless, S3, Cloudfront, DynamoDB
- Database Design / Architect, ERD, SQL, Sql Server, PostgreSQL, Redis, MySql, Oracle, Sequelize
- HTML5, DOM, CSS, SCSS, Less, eHTTP, DNS, jQuery, Kendo, Handlebars
- TDD, Jasmine, Karma, Mocha, JIRA, Pull Requests
- Functional Programming, OOP, Agile, Scrum, GIT Linux, bash
Application Domains
Enterprise Systems | REST, web database, client server applications | dashboards, panels, grids |
Intranets, extranets, portals | manufacturing, inventory & distribution systems | multi-tenant extranets |
responsive websites | data collection, sensors, production controllers | eCommerce |
execution management systems | content / document management systems | device controllers |
Employment History
Sept 2018 - Now: Axion | Senior Full Stack Software Engineer
- Kaufman-Hall | Frontend Applications Developer Join team to produce nuew Module (Cost Accounting) for Hosiptals as a consultant with Axion. ( C#, .Net, Typescript, Kendo )
2017 - 2018: NWEA | Senior Full Stack Javascript Developer
Contract with the Item Experience agile team. Develop Item Presenter with custom MVC framework, item aids, Test Item Editor, Scorer, and QTI Compiler.
( Javascript ES6, node, MVC, Angular 1, git, scrum, jasmine )
2016 - 2017: Tryon Creek | Senior Full Stack Javascript Developer
Sensor data collection Controller - Senior Full Stack Software Developer Gathers environmental readings from multiple devices and post periodic summaries to a central server exposing a REST API to web and mobile clients for reporting.
( Raspberry PI, Linux, node, javascript ES6, analog to digital I/O, express, PostgreSQL, git ) -
Enterprise Agribusiness Application - Back End Software Developer Develop Routes to serve enterprise Angular 1 & iOS applications for a Fortune 10 Corporation. ( Node/Express, REST, JSON, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, git )
2004 - 2016: Canright Websites for Architects
Full Stack Software Engineer - Conceive and lead development a multi-tenant website content manager & account tracking / billing system. Application is built on the Extranet Kit and the Microsoft platform.
( .Net, C#, ASP, vbScript, Sql Server, IIS, .Windows Server, XML ) -
Responsive Website Designer and Developer - Design and develop responsive portfolio websites. Over 120 architect client across U.S. Custom client side components: slide-shows, grids, animated panels and animations.
( javascript, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, DOM, SEO, Photoshop, Webmaster ) Portfolio: -
Extranet Kit Product Owner and Database Architect - Application development framework with declarative configuration of extranets, and content managers. Used the extranet kit to deliver administration and maintenance portals for clients.
( .Net, C#, ASP, vbScript, Sql Server, IIS, .Windows Server, Visual Studio, ... )
1995 - 2012: Canright | President, Architect and Lead Developer
All of the projects listed below on this resume were performed on a "company to company" basis by Canright. I managed, architected and led development of all of the projects. In many cases, I brought in other developers to help.
I founded and led this consulting firm that architected, designed, developed and supported custom web database applications for projects all over the Portland area. My firm was listed as a Portland Business Journal Top 100 fastest growing company three times with up to two dozen employees. We produced web database business applications mainly with the Microsoft Stack and the best client side web technologies available at that time.
( *.Net, IIS, Sql Server, C#, ASP, vbScript, jScript, Javascript, HTML, CSS )
Before 1995, I built enterprise systems and computer integrated manufacturing systems for the manufacturing and distribution industries all of the United States.
( Oracle, C, Pro-C, Sql Forms )
EE Shenck & Maywood Studios | Full Stack Application Architect & Developer Web Database e-commerce site for distributors and retail with product catalog, shopping-cart, and interface to back-end VAX/VMS inventory application.
( Sql Server, ASP, j-script, jQuery, HTML5, CSS ) -
California High-Speed Rail Authority | Application Architect, Principal Developer High Volume Website for large infrastructure project. Searchable document library, visualizations, social media interface.
( Sql Server, IIS, ASP, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery ) -
Laika Productions | Application Architect, Full Stack Developer Integrated corporate website featuring commercial and in-house divisions with animation players, animation portfolios by artist, and 'build a reel' (shopping cart) feature.
( SQL Server, ASP, javascript/jQuery, HTML5 } -
Soloflex | Lead Developer/Designer E-Commerce product catalog and shopping card. SEO and online promotion.
( SQL Server, ASP, jQuery, HTML5 ) -
ESCO | Database / Application Architect, Lead Developer / Designer Product catalog and specification with inventory interface, shopping cart and inventory / work order interface.
( SQL Server, ASP, jQuery, HTML5 ) -
Pacific Pride | Database Analyst, Application Developer Fleet fueling account management and fuel tracking.
( Oracle, C ) -
Application and Database Architect, Lead Developer Multi-tenant inventory control, work order management, customer order collection and tracking and shipping orders and manifests.
( SQL Server, ASP, vbScript, HTML ) -
Symantec | Application Architect and Developer In-house online magazine with content manager.
( SQL Server, ASP, vbScript ) -
Wacker Siltronics | Database / Application Analyst/Developer Process oriented manufacturing tracking and control with inventory management and quality data collection.
( Oracle SQL Forms, C ) -
Wieden + Kennedy | Application Architect and Developer In-house quarterly online magazine with content manager.
( SQL Server, ASP, vbScript ) -
Michigan Fruit Canners | Application Architect and Developer Receiving, Inventory, Shipping tracking with bar-coded device interfaces and transit orders to control manual and robotic fork lifts.
( Oracle, C ) -
Tropitone Furniture | Consultant, Database and Application Architect and Developer Full Enterprise Resources Planning System.
( Oracle SQL Forms, C ) -
Boeing Georgia | Consultant, Database Architect and Developer Specializing in Master Production Scheduling and Material Requirements Planning Engine.
( Oracle SQL Forms, C ) -
TRW Space and Communications Group | Manufacturing Systems Analyst and Developer Master Production Scheduling, Material Requirements Planning, Order Processing.
( Oracle, C )
- Bachelor of Science: Computer Science
- University of California, Berkeley